Почетна » Oglasi » Komplet renovirana nekoriscena kuca u Kotezu d 55 kvm sa ogradjenom okucnicom i parking mestom.

Komplet renovirana nekoriscena kuca u Kotezu d 55 kvm sa ogradjenom okucnicom i parking mestom.

IZDAJE SE: Komplet renovirana nekoriscena kuca u Kotezu od 55 kvm sa ogradjenom okucnicom i parking mestom.

Izlovana, zasticena protivpozarnim senzorom i video nadzorom.

Kuca je udobna i komplet namestena sa belom tehnikom (frizider, sporet sa aspiratorom, mikrotalasna pecnica i ves masina, 43” smart tv) kablovskom i brzim internetom.

Za potrebe regulacije temperature obebedjene su nemacka TA pec sa wifi upravljanjem, inverter klima i grejna ploca.

Kuca je na 30m od autobuske stanice linije 43 kojom se do centra grada stize za 20 minuta.

U okolini do 300m se nalaze prodavnice, pijaca, skola, vrtici, apoteke, parkovi, razne radnje, pekare i ambulanta.

Za sve informacije zovite na broj: 0654801958

Renting: Fully renovated not lived in 55 sq m house in Kotez with a fenced yard and a parking space.
Insulated, fire detector and video surveilance protected.
The house is cosy and fully equipped with appliances (refrigerator, stove and aspirator, microwave oven and washing machine, 43″ smart TV), cable and fast internet.
A wifi equiped German 6kw storage heater, inverter AC and a heating block are used for temperature regulation 
The house is located 30m from line 43 bus stop and it takes 20 minutes ride to get to the city center.

In the surrounding area within 300m there are grocery stores, green market, school, kindergartens, pharmacies, parks, various shops, bakeries and an outpatient clinic.
For all information, call 0654801958

Cena 450 evra

Milan, Beograd, 0654801958


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